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Transparency and Storytelling: Creating Great ESG Reports

Written by George Taliaferro | Jul 31, 2024 5:40:26 PM
For many organizations, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reports are a staple of annual communications. These reports show how companies manage ESG issues and their impact on the community. They cover things like:
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Resource Management Data
  • Community Engagement
  • Risk Management

Earlier this year, the SEC adopted new rules starting in 2025 designed to enhance public company disclosures related to their impact on the climate. These rules are changing the landscape of ESG reporting, prioritizing transparency and consistency. As some organizations ensure that their ESG reports are in compliance with the evolving rules, other organizations will be creating ESG reports for the first time.

It’s an exciting opportunity for decision-makers to think critically about their organization’s broader goals and the ways they want to communicate them with target audiences. Regardless of their ESG experience, there are a few key things for all companies to keep in mind as they build their sustainability story:

Prioritize Content
As companies gather their ESG content, they will need to keep in mind the SEC’s new guidelines for what’s required to report such as climate-related risks, greenhouse gas emissions and board/governance oversight. There’s a lot of information to include, so organizing the content in a way that’s intuitive and easy to read is crucial. Before building the report, companies should consider creating a content framework to help them prioritize order and understand how the story flows.

Be compelling
ESG reports cover a lot of stats, facts and figures but that doesn’t mean they have to be dry. Engaging brand colors, photography, infographics and illustrations keep readers focused and engaged. While inspiring quotes, stories and headlines break up all the numbers in a compelling way and make the report easier to scan.

Focus on Accessibility

Sure there’s still a place for printed reports, but creating a digital version is now the norm. Companies should consider online options like an interactive PDF or a dedicated section of their website. While search engines do index PDF files, they aren’t the best choice for SEO. By creating a dedicated landing page to download the ESG PDF, companies can make it easier to find online.

And when creating a digital version of a report, it’s critical to ensure ADA compliance. Having proper color contrast and screen reading enabled allows people with disabilities to access and understand this information.

No matter where you are on your ESG reporting journey, we’re here to help. Working across a range of industries and types of organizations, we have proven experience creating strategic and compelling ESG reports. Reach out and learn more about our collaborative approach.